EP36 - To be or not to be flexible, that is the question

Episode 36 May 06, 2020 00:26:54
EP36 - To be or not to be flexible, that is the question
it4whiskey podcast
EP36 - To be or not to be flexible, that is the question

May 06 2020 | 00:26:54


Show Notes

To be or not to be flexible, that is the question.. the guys tackle this in episode 36. What does it mean to you and your business to be flexible during this time? How would you tackle such a problem within your company? And guess who’s back Todd Gates let’s hear his view on this; does he agree with the guys or does he play mediator. And we’d love to hear your view on this topic so please remember to comment and let us know what you think. Like, Subscribe, Share and thank you for tuning in! Check us out: iTunes Spotify Google Podcast Tune-in

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